Southern Oregon University
SOU Welcomes International Students!
As an international student at SOU, you’ll discover a welcoming environment where you can pursue your academic goals, explore the beauty of Southern Oregon, and build lasting friendships. The International Programs team is here to support you every step of the way, from visa guidance and cultural orientation to academic advising and social activities.
How to Apply to SOU
SOU’s International Programs welcomes students from around the world. Students who need an F-1 or J-1 visa to study in the U.S. should follow the guidelines here to apply for admission.
International Student Scholarships
Southern Oregon University provides merit-based and need-based scholarships for international students. Some scholarships are awarded based on the information provided in your application for admission. However, some of our international scholarships require additional information from you to be considered for an award.
Student Orientation
The Office of International Programs provides a comprehensive Orientation and Welcome program for new international students. We look forward to meeting you in a pre-arrival Zoom meeting and welcoming you soon to the SOU campus.
Class Registration
New students are not able to register online for their first term at SOU. Find regulations that apply to you based on your degree level, as well as other guidelines that apply to all students looking to do an exchange.
International Student Housing Options
First-year undergraduate students are required to live on-campus with limited exceptions. Students in their 2nd or higher year of university studies may choose to live on or off campus. Use these resources to help you find your new home in Ashland!
Immigration Information
SEVIS is a nationwide database that allows schools and the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) to exchange data on the visa status of international students. Information is transmitted online by SOU to USCIS throughout the student’s academic career.
International Student Visa
After admission, students will need to obtain an F-1 or J-1 student visa. F-1 visas are for students seeking to complete a degree program at SOU. J-1 visas are for students participating in an exchange with a SOU partner university or a government sponsored program.
Medical Insurance
International exchange students are required by federal law to hold adequate health insurance for the duration of their studies. SOU automatically enrolls all international students in an affordable health insurance policy. These charges are automatically applied to your student account each term. Students can apply for an insurance waiver only if their home country government provides medical coverage that meets or exceeds the amounts required by law.
International Student Employment
While international students are free to work on campus without any special approval, federal visa regulations stipulate that international students cannot work off campus without prior authorization. Please make an appointment to meet with the International Student Advisor to ask any questions that you may have about employment.
Obtaining a Social Security Number
If you are going to obtain a job while in the US, you must acquire a Social Security Number (SSN). You cannot get an SSN without a valid job offer and OIP authorization. Remember, all off-campus work requires prior authorization per federal visa regulations.
Obtaining an Oregon ID or Drivers License
To obtain an an Oregon-issued ID card or Driver License, you will need to go to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in Ashland. The DMV office is located at 600 Tolman Creek Road, and their hours of operation are Tuesday-Friday from 9am-5pm.